Due to the sanitary crisis, the meeting will be virtual this year (see Information section for more details). The platform used will be Lifesize. The link to the meeting was sent to the persons who registered .
To download the abstract book please use the link below:
Please, note that the following programme could be slightly changed in the following days.
9:00 | Introduction – F. Chetail & S. Majerus |
9:10 | Talk 1: Activation des connaissances sémantiques en mémoire de travail verbale : une investigation par IRMf – Pauline Querella |
9:35 | Talk 2: Capacités de flexibilité et d’apprentissage phonétique chez des patients aphasiques francophones – Clémence Verhaegen |
10:00 | Talk 3: Flexibilité phonétique chez les personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson: une étude exploratoire – Delvaux Véronique |
10:25 | BREAK |
10:40 | Talk 4: Perceptual units in Chinese character recognition – Joanna Isselé |
11:05 | Talk 5: Reading and language processing in adult basic education learners – Méghane Tossonian et Julia Justino |
11:30 | Talk 6: Pre-literacy heterogeneity in Dutch-speaking kindergartners: Latent profile analysis – Cara Verwimp |
11:55 | LUNCH |
12:45 | Poster session |
13:45 | Keynote: Beyond the monolingual benchmark in language related experimental research with bilingual children (Universität Erfurt) |
14:45 | Talk 7: Executive control performance and foreign-language proficiency associated with immersion education in French-speaking Belgium – Arnaud Szmalec |
15:10 | Talk 8: Accompagnement des parents d’enfants sourds ou malentendants issus de la diversité : pratiques et besoins des logopèdes – Pauline van der Straten Waillet |
15:35 | Talk 9: Neural Processing and Perception of Speech in Children with Mild to Moderate Sensorineural Hearing Loss – Axelle Calcus |
16:00 | Closing comments – S. Majerus & F. Chetail |