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Home / Meetings / GCPN 2021 meeting / Information



A computer (Windows) will be available in the room for the presentations. Please, upload your presentation before the beginning of your session and ensure that the slides properly work (a member of the organizing committee will be available to help you). If you want to use your own computer, please bring the corresponding video adapter; both VGA and HDMI connections are possible.

Oral presentations are allowed 20 mins plus 5 mins for discussion. Please let us know if you need specific equipment for your presentation other than a screen and loudspeakers (contact : smajerus@uliege.be).


Posters will have to be displayed before the beginning of the first session (9:30) in the hall of the room polyvalente / Duyckaerts B32. Tape will be provided and a member of the organizing committee will help you if necessary.

The recommended size for posters is A0 (84 x 112 cm) in portrait orientation (the latter being mandatory!). The poster boards will be numbered. Please use the space which corresponds with the number your poster has been assigned in the proceedings.


Internet access will be available through the Eduroam network. Please, ensute that you have activated your IDs from your university (before coming) to access this network if you want to use it.
